Photography is an emotion, or rather an expression of an emotion. You see things, you document them to reflect what they mean to me. That’s my level of art… Many exceed that but I like where I am. Interestingly, it’s the first thing you go to in happy times, but it’s the first to go when your mind is occupied in a stressful period. I lost the appetite for a while, let’s see if it’s back :-). Amsterdam seemed like the best place to start.

This is the ceiling of the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Could have centered it better, taking notes…

Leica M10M with Summilux 35mm 1.4 at f/16 and 1/60

Graffiti on a building block near Leidse Plein:

Leica M10M with Summilux 35mm 1.4 at f/16 and 1/180

And the remnants of a rain shower…

Leica M10M with Summilux 35mm 1.4 at f/1.4 and 1/4,000

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